Johannes Bigge – piano, composition
Robert Lucaciu – double bass
Moritz Baumgärtner – drums
Founded in 2010 and awarded with the Leipziger Jazznachwuchspreis der Marion Ermer Stiftung in 2012 the Johannes Bigge Trio has gained its place among the ambitious young German piano trios in the course of many years of playing, two successful album releases and numerous concerts on club and festivals stages as well and has delevoped its own musical language, a strong unique bandsound and a blind understanding and interplay and with these features represents the young and growing Leipzig jazz scene, that in the last years has brought up many musically independent projects and bands and is becoming a new important center for jazz in Germany.
In his music Johannes Bigge combines influences ranging from The Bad Plus and Brad Mehldau, Radiohead and Genesis to Alexander Skrjabin with the idea to also adress an audience that is interested in music but not jazz-educated in a special sense.
The compositions are sometimes songlike and compact, sometimes widespread and athmospheric, full of sudden changes of mood and melodies with potential to stick in your ear.
The trio experiments with known forms and formats, that the listeners ear can connect to, even if the content is new or different and thus tries to expand the limits of the hearable.
Over the years the three musicians have developed their own bandsound, in which Johannes’ colorful, soft to cristalline piano sound, Moritz’ orchestrating and energetic drum play and Roberts grounding yet mobile bass blend zu a new group sound.
The trio plays with force and playfulness in one moment, with gentleness and the courage for simple beauty in the next, with a richness of melodies and harmonic colors and also just the joy of making music together.
After PEGASUS (2016) and IMAGO (2018) the release of CLAY in 2024 will be the third album on swiss label nWog-Records. The 11 compositions on CLAY were written during the corona years and have been developed and brought into form by the three musicians in a process of constant composing and rehearsing – like a piece of clay that little by little becomes a sculpture. Referring to this image also the music is about the transition from an idea to the concrete thing and the process, when an inner image slowly takes shape and turns into something real in the end.
Press reviews
„This young pianists musical and compositional language is of such striking filigree delicacy and multidimensionality, that listening to his music for the first time without knowing anything biographical about him, one would think of a mature and older composer.“
Thorsten Hingst in Jazzpodium (04/2016)
„How these eight pieces pulsate, how they turn and turn, how they build up and fade away, how chords cumulate and resolve into delicate melodies, lies far outside the usual framework of what most other piano trios offer.“
Werner Stiefele in Rondo (02/2016)
„His music sounds indeed tremendously fresh and different.“…“It’s not surprising, that such a courageous album is released on the niche label of the musician Nils Wogram.“
Frank von Niederhäusern in Kulturtipp (05/16)
Johannes Bigge
nWog Records
Uwe Kerkau Promotion
Gefördert durch die Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.